About IICN

International Institute of Christian Nursing, a division of NCFI, is committed to the development and offering of various non-academic courses which engage nurses from across the globe in learning more about the integration of a Christian worldview into their nursing practice, education, leadership, and research.

IICN Vision and Mission


Christian nurses honoring God through daily integration of the Christian worldview in all professional nursing roles and responsibilities.


To promote the integration of the Christian worldview in nursing practice, education, leadership, and research through faith-based resources, networking, and professional development.

Dr Diane Smith,  Director of IICN

Diane is currently a professor at Missouri State University, USA. She is also a licensed Faith Community Nurse, a Certified Nurse Educator, and a Trauma-Informed Care Practitioner. Diane is a member of NCF USA and has been involved with helping to start an NCF in one of the colleges where she previously taught.

Diane brings to NCFI a wealth of experience including leadership, teaching & mentoring, research, project management, writing & publications, and networking. She is active in her church and in prayer ministry. Although she has been a member of NCF USA, Diane is new to NCFI. Thus she has spent much of the past year getting to know our leaders and learning about how we function as an international organization, while beginning to put things in place for the coming years.

Program Planning Committee

Dear Colleague

Thank you for visiting the International Institute of Christian Nursing (IICN) webpage.  IICN provides unique opportunities to both develop and teach courses that inspire and equip Christian Nurses and Midwives globally to integrate their faith with practice.

The IICN Program Planning Committee has been blessed with a team of educators who are scholarly and love God. Current courses such as Faith Community Nursing and the Saline Process Witness Training continue to be taught globally. The most recently developed course “The Values Based Teacher: Teaching Like Jesus” showcases Jesus as the greatest teacher and role-model of evidence-based practice. It is designed to inspire and equip both seasoned educators as well as the novice. The pandemic highlighted for us, the importance of teaching these courses virtually. This, in turn, has provided a window of opportunity to deliver these courses globally, to colleagues who otherwise would not have the same access to these resources. The Art & Science of Spiritual Care and Biblical Leadership are being revised to reflect the most current research. We thank God for what He has allowed us to accomplish during these past several years.

We look forward to the continued development and delivery of courses that reflect current issues relevant to Christian Nurses in this very challenging world. One example is “Ethics in Nursing”. Much can be done when we explore together challenges presently impacting Nurses and envision opportunities to respond from the Gold Standard of IICN; an evidence based and a Christ centered, Spirit led approach.

We will embrace future opportunities confident that our faithful God is more than sufficient for everything that He calls us to engage in. We are here to serve you. Our prayer is that you will be inspired on your journey of Faith in Jesus, and your ministry to others through your practice.

Many Blessings,

Phyllis Ferrier,
Chair of the IICN Program Planning Committee

Resources for Christian Nurses

I Corinthians 10:31 states “Whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God“.

Our one and two-day courses present different concepts and content to help nurses learn how to live out their faith and be a witness to Christ in every nursing role and responsibility. These courses are presented by Christian nurses, and some courses are in partnership with other Christian faith organizations.

 In this website you will find further resources developed by IICN that you can use to strengthen your Christian life and witness as a nurse These include nursing related Bible Studies, and the Christian Nurse International  Journal.  Find a complete list at:

Institute Leadership

Leadership of the International Institute of Christian Nursing consists of  the Director and three Institute Committees. 


IICN Committees 

The Steering Committee has a global membership who guide the vision and mission activities of the Institute. The committee meets virtually once a month. There is also a Program Committee (professional development courses) and the CNI Editorial Committee (publication of the Christian Nurse International journal) Email:

History of the Institute

 In 2004, NCFI nurse leaders began to conceptualize how NCFI could become the voice of Christian nursing within the profession. The early goal was to develop a credible resource grounded in scholarship, becoming a dedicated place for modeling the integration of faith and science. This resource would include Christian theology, moral leadership, inclusion of spiritual care in wholistic nursing care, ethics, and cultural awareness. The vision was to impact, influence, and shape the future of nursing for Christ.

 At the NCFI World Conference of 2004, Dr. Barbara White presented the institute concept to those gathered in Korea. While there was great interest in the concept, it would not be until the 2012 World Congress in Chile that the International Institute of Christian Nursing was established. Early leaders of the Institute included Dr. Barbara White and Dr. Linda Rieg. Across the next few years, the institute’s successes included the offering of multiple professional development courses on integration of faith and nursing, an online journal, and the establishment of key partnerships with other Christian healthcare-related, non-governmental organizations.

 These successes came in part from the early financial and academic support. Known as the Founding Organisations. Five universities were involved:

  • Biola University, California, USA.
  • California Baptist University, California, USA
  • Colorado Christian University, Colorado, USA.
  • University of North Western – St Paul, Minnesota, USA 
  • Indiana Wesleyan University, Indiana, USA

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