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This Blog has been created to support and encourage nurses in every country confronted by the challenges of a worldwide pandemic caused by the Coronavirus Covis 19. Christian nurses will be able to share their experiences and the spiritual resources that have enabled them to deal with this crisis. Nurse leaders of NCFI and the International Institute of Christian Nursing (IICN) will contribute as will nurses on the front line of the pandemic.
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A special Covid 19 issue of Christian Nurse International (CNI) online Journal about to be published Features personal narratives of nurses working on the front
“For I will satisfy the weary soul, and satisfy every sorrowful soul” Jeremiah 31:25 None of us doubt that this has been a grueling year.
“I take this opportunity to greet you and encourage you to continue working with a vision of the Kingdom of God at a time when
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-53282506 This doctor working on the frontlines of COVID 19, was inspired by nurses. In this interview we can see the important work of nurses
Martha Fernández Moyano, Argentina “Do not let your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1) We are experiencing two
My name is Claudia De Pasqua, I am a nurse. I work at PAMI (social work for older adults) and I work in the pharmacy
An interview by CrossRoads with Anne Biro, NCFI Vice President. June 9, 2020 – “Interview with Anne Biro” – Tracy Minke Remember to pray for
For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. (Psalm 91:3) By Carrie Dameron The two scenarios found
(by Heather Gilbert). Living in unprecedented times calls for unprecedented measures by us all. Whether we like it or not, we are all part of
I will say to the Lord, My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. (Psalm 91:2) A military wall or high strong
As nurses working on the frontlines, management, teaching, or research, our work routines have been disrupted by COVID-19. Our ways of doing things have changed
From Hyesook (General Secretary of KNCF)
There is a current shortage of doctors and nurses. Nurses aren’t able to go home due to the risk of infection and some hospitals have poor facilities where the nurses’ cabins are used to receive funeral visitors. They are all exhausted and in need of extra medical staff….
Words & Music by Luke Woodhouse
In such a time as this. With darkness all around
In such a time as this. Our hearts cry out
‘Lord, help us now’. ‘Lord be our power’
In such a time as this. We won’t walk alone….
In times like this – times that are beyond what we could imagine just a few weeks ago, the world is realizing the importance of nursing. Not just because we treat the most ill patients, but also because families are not allowed to be with their dear ones in hospitals and in nursing homes…..
Words from the Director of Nursing at St Andrew’s Community Hospital, Alison Sim, who has had to exercise a huge amount of wisdom in making decisions concerning the COVID-19 situation.
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Christian nurses in over thirty nations are involved in caring, teaching, training and communicating the good news of Jesus in deed and word. Help today!
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