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View the International Board for 2020-2024 and the range of NCFI Committees.
The Executive Committee meet regularly via video conferencing to manage the daily operations of the organisation and monitor progress on strategic operations. The Committee consists of at least six members, with representation from all NCFI Regions. Volunteer and administrative staff may also serve as ex-officio members of the Committee.
The President serves as Chair of the Executive Committee, which is selected during the International Board meeting held during the Quadrennial World Congress.
The Finance Committee comprises the Treasurer, the Finance Director and at least two additional International Board members. The committee prepares a projected four year operational budget and an annual operational budget of estimated incomes and expenditures for presentation to the International Board at the Quadrennial Congress. They also manage and award sponsorship funding for International Board members and/or country delegates requesting NCFI sponsorship funds for conference attendance.
The Finance Committee is selected during the International Board meeting held during the Quadrennial International Congress.
The International Institute of Christian Nursing Steering Committee is responsible for the development of a virtual global Institute of Christian Nursing created to gather and disseminate resources, so that Christian nurses will be better equipped to improve healthcare within their sphere of influence.
The IICN Director is appointed by the International Board, to provide vision, leadership, oversight and continuity for the Institute, and Chair the Institute Steering Committee. The committee is composed of members who demonstrate expertise in areas of Christian scholarship, education or leadership, with a goal of representation from all six Regions. Also part of the IICN leadership are the IICN Program Committee and the Editorial Committee for the NCFI Journal, Christian Nurse International (CNI).
The Prayer and Care Committee is chaired by a member of the International Board and is responsible for the prayer and care of NCFI member countries, Regions and the International Board as needed. Prayer and praise items are collected from all national NCFs through their Regional Chairs, and a Quarterly Prayer Guide is compiled and NNCFs, and posted on the website.
Committee Chair: Carrie Dameron
The Ministry Expansion Committee assists in the growth of NCFI. It does this by ensuring that nursing students are gradually integrated into the main activities of the international fellowship, and that retired nurses are cared for and mobilized to participate and contribute to the organization. The committee is chaired by a Member of the International Board and consists of at least three Board members.
Committee Chair: TBA
The Media and Technology Committee provides leadership and oversight for organizational communication, including email inquiries, NCFI Website, Facebook, Twitter, and an online newsletter The committee also prepares promotional materials for the organization and for the Quadrennial Congress. It is chaired by a member of the International Board and currently consists of six members.
Committee Chair, Margaret Hutchison
The Regional Chairs Committee is chaired by a member of the International Board, and consists of the Regional Chair of each NCFI Region. The Committee meets monthly by video conferencing, or other teleconferencing system in order to maintain, coordinate and collaborate in effective communication throughout all Regions of the organization.
Committee Chair: Stacy Saha
The World Congress Planning Committee plan and implement activities necessary for successful hosting of the World Congress, following guidelines outlined in the Congress Planning Manual. They propose an appropriate theme and a suitable program for the Congress, invite and secure keynote and plenary speakers, and work with the local Congress organizing committee to collaborate and coordinate all Congress planning. The committee consists of members of the Board including the Vice President, and the previous Congress Planning Committee Chair. the program Committee and Editorial Committee for the NCFI Journal are also part of the committee.
Committee Chair: Ann Chow
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