Our Partners

View the list of NCFI partner organisations.



HCF International strives to inspire and equip all Christians working in healthcare to manifest Jesus Christ in their daily life and work.

HCFI endeavors to:

  • Evangelize, disciple and train healthcare staff
  • Witness in word and deed to sick and dying people and their relatives
  • Train, equip and disciple HCF staff members
  • Communicate effectively with supporters
  • Mobilize and train members of local churches



IHS Global®, through partnerships, equips Christian healthcare workers who are already caring for the physical needs of their patients to also care for their spiritual needs.

Believing the words of Jesus that we are to be His witnesses from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth (Act 1:8), IHS Global equips and mobilizes Christian healthcare workers as witnesses for Jesus.



The International Christian Medical and Dental Association is an international organisation of Christians in medicine and dentistry. Its vision is to see a Christian witness through doctors and dentists in every community in every nation.



An international network of professional healthcare educators, committed to integrating rigorous science and compassionate care for the whole person.

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