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Saline Process Witness Training

NCFI Global Saline Coordinator:
Carol Rowley

The purpose of the Saline ProcessTM witness training is to equip nurses (and other healthcare workers) to be witnesses for Christ in their clinical settings. The Biblically-based teaching is relevant to different cultures and healthcare settings.

Participants learn eight tools that can be put into practice with their patients and colleagues. After completing the Saline Process, participants should be able to assess a patient’s attitude toward Christ and know how to respond appropriately, applying the ethical principles of permission, sensitivity and respect. Ultimately, the Saline Process training prepares healthcare workers to be part of the Lord’s work in our world so our Father in heaven is glorified. (Acts 1:8; Matt 5:13-16; Matt 28:19-20; John 4:39-41)

Learning Objectives: At the completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain why faith is important in healthcare.
  2. Describe opportunities for and barriers to fulfilling one’s role as a witness in the healthcare environment.
  3. Demonstrate use of the Engel scale in assessing where a person is on his/her spiritual journey and plan appropriate interventions based on this assessment.
  4. Evaluate and explain the importance of maintaining one’s own spiritual vitality.
  5. Demonstrate the appropriate use of eight tools that can be used while interacting with patients, families, and colleagues with permission, sensitivity and respect.

Learning Strategies: Presentations, large and small group discussions, role-plays, demonstrations, and short writing assignments

Hours: 10 Hours

Next Course Offerings: Courses are offered both online and in-person. Courses are taught in several languages, including Bahasa, English, Hindi, and Spanish, depending on location. There are Course Leaders in each of the six NCFI regions. Please contact the NCFI Global Saline Coordinator to learn about upcoming course opportunities.

El propósito detrás del Proceso SalinaTM es equipar a los trabajadores en el área de salud para ser testigos de Cristo en el entorno de clínicas y hospitales. La enseñanza basada en la Biblia es relevante a diferentes culturas y entornos de la salud y se ha enseñado en cada continente.

Los participantes aprenderán ocho herramientas que podrán poner en práctica con sus pacientes y colegas. Después de completar la capacitación del Proceso Salina, los participantes podrán evaluar la actitud de un paciente hacia Cristo y sabrán cómo responder de manera adecuada.

En resumen, la capacitación del Proceso Salina prepara a los trabajadores en el área de salud para ser parte del trabajo del Señor para que nuestro Padre celestial sea glorificado. (Hechos 1:8; Mateo 5:13-16; Mateo 28:19-20; Juan 4:39-41)

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